Ladder compliance made easy
meet safety standards, protect your employees
OSHA’s Walking-Working Surfaces and Personal Fall Protection Systems Final Rule requires fixed ladders to have a ladder safety system or personal fall arrest system on all fixed ladders exceeding 24 feet in height. This rule went into effect on January 17, 2017. Worksites that were built prior to the adoption of the rule have 20 years to implement ladder safety systems on existing fixed ladders. Newly constructed sites must include ladder safety systems at the time of construction.
Fall Protection at its Best
Contact us today to learn more about ladder compliance, LAD-TOP, and how to order for your facililty!

LAD-TOP® (ladder tie off post) is a ladder stanchion that is bolted to your existing fixed ladder systems. Connect the SRL of your choice to the attachment lug. Your employees simply pull the snap hook from the SRL and attach to either their front or back D-ring. Once they are connected to the SRL, they can simply climb the ladder, maintaining 3-point contact and 100% tie-off until they safely reach their next walking surface.
5050 Leonard Futrell Rd.
Paducah, KY 42001